Do whatever you want to do..
1 day got 24 hours..
1 week got 168 hours..
1 month got 720-744 hours..
1 year got 365 days, 52 weeks, 12 months, 8760 hours..
but, everyday you waste how many hours?

Do whatever you want to do 
write whatever you want to write
(write thesis)
read whatever you want to read
(read journal)
is equal to Master's life
Do whatever you want to do 
sleep whatever you want to sleep 
(less than 8 hours, consider sleep?)
play whatever you want to play
(sit in front of PC, consider play?)
eat whatever you want to eat
(1 day =1 meal, 2 meals, 3 meals or more than 3 meals?, unbalanced meals)
is equal to Boring's life

What do you want to do today?
Let's start to color your life..

Every Monday, the boss force the worker go to work

Finally, U really Can Do Whatever You WANT


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