时间快得很,而我对你的思念只有停留在那儿,没有变,只有越来越深。忙碌了一整天,感觉疲劳。可是,收到这甜蜜的信息,我的疲劳早已被温暧的思念所代替了。这时,脑海里浮起你呵护备至的关怀。每天的情节总在变,唯一不变的是你我深深的友情。好多人常说珍惜,而珍惜对每个人各有定义。我的珍惜对于你,像个星星一样陪伴着月亮,夜夜支持她,守护她,直到她的光亮褪色为止,直到星光黯然无光才停止。希望这个月亮时时刻刻快乐地挂在夜空中,继续幸福地照耀着。I'll always be there for you, my beautiful angel... 亲爱的,你永远都在我的记忆深处。你就像“烤炉”一样,给我温暧 *Hugs*....I MISS YOU

20-10-2012 (星期五) - 又去抽血了。短短的三个星期,我抽了两次血 (小时候的我,很害怕抽血。因为护士对我说,我找不你的血管,这儿抽不到,那儿又抽不到,害怕的我,再也不干抽血了),也做了超声波扫描,加上一支Booster Vaccine。现在,只好按照医生的指示,按时吃药,好好照顾身体。所以,我会呆在这儿几个月。(这时,你对我说:“很巧合,我们一起吃药。”)每次收到你信息:“How are you doing? Got eat medicine on times or not? Got sleep early? Do you feel better already?” 看了再看,一点都不厌倦,也不觉得“长气”,感觉比别人幸福,多一个人关心。哈哈 :) 一个人静静地想着你每次对我说的话:“把每天都当作最后一天来度过。”听了这句话,也许我们会很积极地做每件还没完成的事。如果今天是你最后一天,你又能做些什么?完成了,可是成绩出来了,不是你想要的,那怎么办?经过这次的经历,我希望有更多的时间,更多的日子。

“快乐”-喜欢简简单单的在一起的快乐,更喜欢你那纯真的笑容 :) 
Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person a beautiful thing.

25-10-2012 (Thursday) - Really total pre-working experience here. After accept the offer letter (through email), working life is coming soon. Before start working, I went to medical check-ups for company, get Employees Provident Fund (EPF) number, Income Tax number, and open an new account. Other information such as working times, probational times, annual leave, names of department, names of position, salary, allowance, benefit of company to give you. All this info, we need to know before we start to work. I only all this info when my friend asking me.

The first day of working day - start with orientation..
P/s: Feel like enter to University life, Minggu Aluan Pelajar - for new student.

12-10-2012 (Friday) - Happy 2nd Graduation Anniversary (10-10-10). I like the date ten, ten, ten..A bit disappointed when I unable to attend the convocation this year. Never mind, I aim for next year convocation 2013. I hope that times we can graduate together. :) Staying in Unimas (be Research Assistant) or going back to hometown (be Software engineering). Yes, finally I decided go back to hometown. I want to change environment. I want to explore more. I will gain 1 year working experience when I get Master Certificate. Not because I not love my University anymore. Of course, I love my University as I stayed there almost 5 years and I miss my friend too.

What I have to do now? Yes, finding job. What position? Software engineering?, System analyst? and etc..(programming, research, analysis..??? )..10/10, I send my resume to the company (Ipoh, KL, Penang, and Singapore). I had write 5 pages of resume, compared to my internship (I only wrote 2 pages of resume). 5 pages include the certified program, project, publication and curriculum. I  feel fortunate as my University offer certificate programs (without paying any cents, I able to attend those certificate programs).. :)

11/10, call for interview. 12/10, I go for interview (Ipoh). This is the second times I interview. The first times I interview during internship. I feel quite lucky as I skipped some interview before and finally, I get the application without interview. Interview preparation? Buying book references, ("How to get job easily?", How to improve the interview skills?") For me, all this book is not suitable for IT student (depends what position you apply). Two times interview, the interview took 2 hours ++. The interviewer will provide set of question (query (SQL) , coding (Object-oriented language), logic question and etc.). Each set of the question will took 30 minutes to 1 hours.

Example of interview questions:
1) How to find and solve the errors in your code?
2) If I want to create a system, how many table you need to create?
Interviewee : What kind of system?
Interviewer : A simple system, you just need to tell me how many table we need to create?
Interviewee: Simple system, I need to know what kind of simple system, what kind of data, then only I can decide.
3) Master of science in IT ?
Interviewee: Yes, Master of science in IT is more to research, Degree in IT is more to programming and concepts.
Interviewer: Master in IT = Master in programming language.
4) Do you able to create a system ON TIMES now?
5) Can you explain what system you did before?
Interviewee: In my University, we did a lot of project with different kind of programming languages...
6) Master in Computer Linguistics?
Interviewer: Computer Linguistics - same with programming languages
Interviewee: No. Using computer to apply in languages (e.g languages - Sarawak indigenous languages)
Interviewer: How IT related to Linguistics? Can you explain?
7) This work is very stress. Do you able to overcome?

After the interview..
I feel like I discuss about the code more than interview. What we learn in University is not the required for industry area. In University, we learn the basic programming languages (C, C++). In industry, they required basic programming skills (.NET, VB, C sharp) == totally different. Currently, some newspaper posted that nowadays the graduates without qualification, but they expected high salary. Why the graduates without qualification (3-4 years degree holder, without qualification) ? What we learn in this 3 to 4 years? Interview without success (Never mind, you can gain the interview experience). Interview success (Congratulations to you, you can start to gain your working experience).

The following day, call for interview (KL and Penang). So far, received all the reply (except the company in Singapore). I will try it again for next times. One more things, once you come out from University, you are still consider fresh graduate (without working experience). It does not consider how long in stay in University, helping your lecturer. Anyway, start to plan my future and enjoy the new phrase life.

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