Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore

Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care
what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on.
The cold never bothered me anyway

It's funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all

It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me,
I'm free!

Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on

P/S: 是否,就这样 Let it go 吗?不再去想了吗?舍得了吗?从了解变不了解,从不了解变了解....。是否之前的我一点都不了解你?当A告诉B,B不了解A。这时,B告诉A,感觉A不是太了解B...慢慢地AB从了解变不了解了!

"I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay." 

跟夏天才告別 转眼满地落叶
远远的 白云依旧无言
像我心里感觉 还有增无减

跟去年说再见 转眼又是冬天
才一年 看着世界变迁
有种沧海桑田 无常的感觉

Oh ~ Friend 我对你的想念
此刻特別強烈 如此遥远

朋友孩子的脸 说着生命喜悦
如果说 我们依然相恋
说不定在眼前 是另外情节

Oh ~ Friend 我对你的想念
此刻特别强烈 这么多年

Oh ~ Friend 我对你的想念
此刻特別強烈 如此遥远

P/S:  一首音乐可以代表一个人,一首音乐是一种美好回忆,一首音乐可以娓娓道来一个美丽的故事......。最后,音乐代表的是我的心情......。



P/S: 亲爱的,谢谢你的诗!:)

5-4-2014(星期六) - 这时,你告诉我,你很了解我。但,我对你说:“不” (对不起,你我都伤了。其实,我也很心疼)。总觉得不了解我的人也知道原因。是否你有真真了解过吗?所谓:“当局者迷,旁观者清” , 这句话对吗?

了,不想主动,不想慰问,不想太过在意,更不想等待了。一秒、两秒..一分钟、两分钟..一个小时、两个小时..一天又一天..一个星期..一个月..犹豫我的Message Delivery Failed。犹豫我的Message是Question, 还是 Information。一秒的回息,那么难吗?答案,True/False..Yes/No..>.< 等待真的让我太累!
"Delete" Button 一点都不好。它无法让我忘记一切。因为,有“Backup" Function。每次 before delete 我就做了backup。看了backup, 就回想你我的history。为什么要有delete, 同时也要backup呢?
听了你给那首歌,不知道为什么,没有了当初的感觉 (也许,是"soundtrack"吧!) 原来,我看了这个Scene,才体会到你所说的"Touching"。或许,我的心也开始“ 冷” 化了。我真的放下吗?

- Face Off Ending, "REUNION" scene -
这里,E.M.O (Part 1),真的不想再有Part 2, Part 3 and etc.
无论如何,太阳依然升起。+ 油 ^.*

- My Games, Share Trading -

4-4-2014 (Friday) - Two weeks ago, I was starting my new games. After open my RHB investment account one year ago, now is the times for me to trade. Thanks for my friend, Goh teaching me how to trade the stock market. Learning a lot of things from trading. For example, new term: "Bull vs Bear" (Other animals on the farm such chicken and pigs), "Shark vs Ikan Bilis", "Head and Shoulders Pattern", and etc. 
[More Term - Click here]. Finding the root cause-what causes stock prices to change? Finding the good share..Play contra. Anyway, our games just started, be patient to wait and see our results.

P/S: Some people will ask -> How much you earn? How long you take to earn money? The same questions are keep asking repeatedly. Well, if I can predict how much I earn, I can predict which once is good stock, I will be a millionaire one day. Anyway, never try, never know. If you want make your life different, just try. Besides, to speed up the learning process is you ask people when you have question. Don't wait someone to teach you.

- One day, You will be Leader / Boss..Yes, I do -

27-3-2014 (Thursday) - To be a leader is not a easy job, especially your member is not active at all. "Any suggestion?"..No responses from your members.."Go back do research, and tell me in the next meeting"..Next meeting, "Your guys got any suggestion"...No responses again.."Hmm,..everyone compulsory to give a suggestion for the next next meeting"...Until third times, no responses again and again. Look like talk to the wall as well. Never mind, leader has a suggestion here, everyone agree? Yes, agree! Well, most people agree with this, so let us discuss more details about our plan. During the discussion, I not agree with your plan. "Do you think you can satisfy others people? Can we change plan?".."You pay less, but you want to get good benefit?". Look like we eat rice but we don't know the price of rice. Spend your money, spend your times, spend your effort to do so many things..At the end, what you get from others? Other people give a comment: "Leader's job is very easy, just simply assign your tasks to your members". Anyway, thanks GOD for giving me the chance to learn. Well, the activity is finally successful organised. :)

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