What is about Inforsys Foundation Programme?
Course Details
1. Computer Hardware and System Software Concept
2. Programming Fundamentals
4. Analysis of Algorithm
5. Object Oriented Concept
6. Software Developments Methodology
7. User Interface Design
8. Client Server Concept
9. Internet Web Technologies
10. HTML/Javasciprt/XML
11. Java Programming
13. Advance Java Programming
14. J2EE
++ Soft Skills Training
++ Generic Comprehensive Examination
++ J2EE Integrated Comprehensive Exam
Times is passing so fast. We almost go through half of the modules in this programme. How many days left ?( 6 weeks more).There are 14 modules ,1 soft skills, 2 generic comprehensive examination in this programme. Now, I finish 10 modules, 1 soft skills and 1 GCE. I feel tired and exhausted. This is because 3-5 days finish 1 modules, 5-9 assignments each day, 1 day for complete the project. After every modules got a module test. As for module test, I feel a bit sad, because every times also left 1 question to score A. But, never mind, I still can smoothly to pass all the modules test as well as the generic comprehensive examination. Generic comprehensive examination is a challenge test which has part A and part B. We have to pass part A and part B..passing mark is 65.. then only consider you pass this exam. Part B is the more challenge, we required to write a program using C programming language and create database using SQL++ in 3 hours. Wow..this is the first times, what I did...Yeah, you can do it also, if you not believe it..
On the other hand, we learn a lot new things. New subject(analysis of algorithm)..How to write a program with professional style (with standard naming variable, comments and also reuse the code..Besides that, previously, I don't know what is API? I just know API when I going to industrial training. By using the Blackberry API, I able to write a mobile application for blackberry. I always referring the API, but I don't know, I can create the API also..javadoc .*java..Static method..non static method..how to call them..what is the difference between them? ..keep exploring the new things..^^
Furthermore, we train as a worker, we not student anymore. Everyday, we go to lab also need thumb in. Each day thumb in three times. The attendance finger print system make me a bit crazy. Is start to think , am I crazy or the devices crazy? This is because every times, I thumb in already but I feel that I haven thumb in. Forget to thumb in..fine RM10..Thus, I have to more discipline..and don't let the system to make me crazy anymore. Anyway, is great to be worker here. Free 3 meals, free hostel and got allowance also..not bad.
Finally, I really enjoy my life now..^^
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