08.03.2013 (Friday) - Are you believe Tarot? Do you know how Tarot works? Tarot is pack of playing cards (most commonly numbering 78). Tarot reading analysis can read your luck, love, work, friend, family, health and others. For me, I am the newbie to Tarot, I do not get the meaning of the picture, until I get the explanation from the tarot card reader. Besides, I just believe all the results is come from the determined effort. But, somethings make me become tired from year to year, thus I went to Tarot prediction with my friends.

Work: The tarot card reader said that although you got many professional certs. But, you totally no use the certs at all. (It means that - my current position can replaced by a diploma students). In order to use your certs, you have to go others places work..*sigh*..

Friend: The tarot card reader said that the "Moon" means you treat your friends like a "Moon"..the only "Moon" hang out on the sky. On the other hand,  "Tower" means the end of friendship..*sigh*..

Love: The Devil represent my "love"-this maybe a signal that you're reaching the point of desperation, an attitude definitely drives off would-be lovers. It sound correct. I have to consider taking a short time out from relationship seeking and get to know myself better. "Return to your search, when it's feeling less urgent"..

*Hope better unexpected results is come toward to me.....

1.是什麼讓我遇見這樣的你(白安) 2.是些事 3.2012 4.愛情萬歲 5.DNA 6.星空 
7.我不願讓你一個人 8.倉頡 9.你不是真正的快樂 10.武裝 抓狂(與家家合唱)11.心中尚未崩壞的地方 
12.如煙 + 如果還有每天 13.擁抱 14.第二人生 15.T1213121 16.三個傻瓜 17.OK啦 18.軋車 19.離開地球表演 
20.溫柔 21.OAOA 22.第一天 23.有些事現在不做一輩子都不會做了 24.乾杯 25.倔強 
26.諾亞方舟 27.人生海海 28.知足 
29.突然好想你 30.戀愛ING 31.憨人





..五月天演唱会 <<諾亞方舟>>2013..

P/S: 以上几首都是我很喜欢,希望可以和大家分享!!

..ETS Train Ticket..

..Mayday Concert Ticket..

..Me and my friends..

..May Day Performance..

..May Day Concert Ending..

02.03.2013 (星期六) - 第一次搭 Electric Train Service (ETS) 去KL central, 然后再搭LRT 去Wangsa Maju..那种感觉还瞒不错... :)

工作四个月了,买了RM 220 的票来 reward 下自己...第一次去演唱会,还以为需要带雨衣、雨伞...过后,到了目的地,我才知道演唱会原来在 indoor stadium (Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil)...时间也差不多,买了RM 20 的Mayday 螢光棒,我门就进去了...这时的我才知道Rock Zone Area-RM500原来是没有椅子的...Yeah, 五月天演唱会正式开始了... :)

唱到很"HIGH"的歌如..OAOA, ..ING,大家一起"HIGH"起来..唱到舒情的歌,让人感觉心情舒畅...听到“突然好想你” - “突然好想你..你会在那里..过得快乐或委屈..突然好想你..突然鋒利的回憶..” 这时的我,真得很想告诉你,我很想你... :)..唱到“知足”的时候,大家都拿起手机-手机星空 Effect 真得很美...(Refer to Mayday concert Part 2)..

还有,Mayday螢光棒很特别,有六种单色的LED-也可以色彩混合,可随着歌曲氛圍改变或忽明忽暗,可重覆使用..太喜欢了..^.^ ...整个晚上的气氛真得很“热”很“热”.. :)..

之前的我都不是五月天"Fan"丝,可是去了五月天演唱会,都很喜欢听,加上每个歌的歌词都很有意思-那种回到过去的感觉回来了-->童年的时代...这次的2Day1NightTrip,感觉瞒不错,还可以吃到Kepong的美食Loh Mee 和 Bak Kut Teh... ^.^ 谢谢我的朋友-Amy Chia 和Carmen..

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