Steamboat Night (21/4/2011) + Mei Lu's Birthday (22/4/2011)

Birthday's person - Mei Lu and Me

Happy Birthday To You, Mei Lu

Happy + Enjoy ...^^

ElecTioN SaRaWaK, 2011 "UBAH"

HoT AiR BalLooN

bLuE SkY


DaMAi PuRI Beach

ELiSe and mE

16/4/2011 (Saturday) - Oh no..I feel that I quite terrible. This times, after I got 1 message and 15 misscall then, only can woke up. Thanks for your patiently to call me. :), you always be my reminder all the times. After that, we depart from FIT to Tabuan to have our breakfast. Besides that, today is Election Day in Sarawak, as a good Malaysian, we should choose the right party as well as the right people. We should change, "UBAH". Sigh, I can't go to vote. After voting, we went to Flip Flop Beach Carnival at Damai Puri. Once I reached there, feel expect the unexpected while seeing the Hot Air Balloon >.<. What can I do, besides seeing the Hot Air Balloon there. Yeah, we start to have gambling activity (UNO + "Choi Dai Di"). Haha :) Oh no, whole day play (UNO +"Choi Dai Di") card ?? @@ Besides playing card, I enjoying take photo with you, my camera. Thanks to my Pro Photographer teaching me how to take photo in different angle. While taking the photo, I just realized that my camera can automatically changes the scene mode. Nice..Finally, I quite happy and enjoy not because the activity, but is because I went there with the right people + know new friends as well...Haha :)

NiCe Memory with your guys

因为它们使你得到 真正的幸福和快乐
所以 要感激伤害你的人 感激欺骗你的人
感激鞭打你的人 感激遗弃你的人 感激绊倒你的人 感激斥责的人

回想以前的我,什么都不懂,是一个很单纯的人。经过这几年来,我也变得成熟了。感激你曾经伤害过我,感激你曾经欺骗过我,感激你曾经鞭过我, 感激你曾经遗弃过我, 感激你曾经绊倒过我, 感激你曾经斥责过我。没有你的存在,也许我也不会进步的那么快。没有你的存在,也许我看的世界还是很小。没有你的存在,也许我看不到原来人有很多,不停地在变(四川变脸)。

“ 四川变脸 ”

第一象限 - [紧急] + [重要]
第二象限 - [紧急] + [不重要]
第三象限 - [不紧急] + [不重要]
第四象限 - [不紧急] + [重要]

知道,紧急vs重要的分别吗?紧急:立刻/马上要做的事务重要:重要的事务一定要做,一定要完成。很多时候,我们喜欢做`一些事务[不紧急+不重要]。不停地做,可是最后也做不完,只有不停地喊 “累,很累“。相反的,每次到了最后一分钟,我们总是才会做[紧急+重要]的事务,真得不知道为何呢?是否灵感来了吗?

~~ With Elise senior and YiXin junior ~~

10/4/2011 (Sunday) - Oh no..I forgot to wake up again >.< I totally forgot today I got something to do. Hopefully, I had wake up message from you. You always my reminder. ^.^ Early morning (6.30a.m), we went Sarawak General Hospital Kuching Sarawak. This is the first times (I went there) as well as first experience (be volunteer, Tzu Chi). When we reached there, we are divided into few group. Each group have 2 person. After that, we follow 学姐 and help her to serve the patient (Changes the pillow + blanket + clothes, cutting hair, bath, clean shit). Everything also need skills and practice. At the same times, I felt that being nurse and doctor is not easily as I think, they need a lot of patient and kind heart. Long long times ago, I study Biology is because of planning to work in this career, but no chance for me. Now, I think back, I have to thanks GOD for choosing the right path for me (IT field). Anyway, I feel happy and enjoy to be volunteer in Hospital. Learn new things as well as new experience.

~~ White Rose - taken by Elise, edited by Me ~~

Greatness as you
Smallest as me
You show me what is deep as sea
A little love, little kiss
A litlle hug, little gift
All of little something. these are our memories
You make me cry,
Make me smile,
Make me feel that love is true...
You always stand by my side,
I don't want to say goodbye.
You make me cry,
Make me smile,
Make me feel the joy of love.
Oh! Kissing you...
Thank you for all the love you always give to me,
Oh! I love you...
Yes I do, I always do...
Make me cry,
Make me smile
Make me feel that love is true
You always stand by my side
I don't want to say goodbye.
You make me cry,
Make me smile,
Make me feel the joy of love
Oh! Kissing you...
Thank you for all the love you always give to me,
Oh! I love you...
To be with you... Oh! I love you...

P/S: This song is dedicated to all my friends..Thanks for being my friends..Miss you all.. :)


平时,我都很少吃早餐和晚餐的习惯 。[每次都Maggi 面]

平时,我都喜欢独自一个人,但偶尔也很无聊 [常常对着Computer]


P/S: 很想知道,你是否会很累吗?因为,付出需要很多时间和力量,而你为我付出了怎么多。很谢谢你。:)


P/s: 好高兴,今天又可以和你一起聊。谢谢你,每次都给我face。谢谢你,怎么信任我,把你的感情事都告诉我了。我也知道你不会随便告诉别人。真得很高兴,我依然是你信任的人。听了你的感情事后,非常有感觉、感触、感动。这时,我才发现到原来我对我的感情事一点都没有感触。Haiz..是否是冷血的吗?你既然说 Pour Hot Water。哈哈 :) 好好笑,我只有听过 Pour Cold Water 吧了。现在,有Pour Hot Water,我感觉到warm。哈哈 :) 以前的我和现在的我改变了,可是,我还是我。现在的我不断的改变,追MyDream,有成就的感觉。可是,感情事有一点失败。

Original photo: Elise Edited by: Me


  1. 首先,你要为自己确立一个目标,你要确定你会为这个目标坚持到底,所以这个目标对自己来说时崇高且有意义;
  2. 其次,集中自己所有的精力时间信息物质到这个目标上,并且自己要有不达目的不罢休的毅力;
  3. 第三,必须具备有效的方法(透镜).具备了这三个条件,就再加上良好的心态,就一定会成功!!

  1. Confidence comes naturally with success. But success comes only to those, who are confident. So, begin your days with great confidence   
  2. Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can..
  3. 每一天给自己五分钟时间想像“做到了”的喜悦。    

P/S :

阿牛 - 纯文艺恋爱(初恋红豆冰主题曲)

那么痴迷 那么绮丽
啊 我会慢慢的想起
几十年的歌 靠在你的背后

What Symptoms is this?

Once I close my eyes, I feel very hard to open my eyes.
Once I open my eyes, 
My mind is blank,
My "scene" is white, 
I feel that I don't know where am I?
Finally, I take few hours to rest and sleep.

Hard to imagine how the teacher marking student exam paper ><

Although I not a Lecturer, I just a tutor and help the lecturers to calculate mark. Once I see 150++ paper, my eye become @@. Is hard to imagine how the lecturers marking the exam paper [1. Funny answer provided by student  2. The writing and others..]. Hence, marking student exam paper is one of the challenges of lecturers or teachers. But, anyway, I quite happy with the performance of my student (System Analysis and Design). Gambateh ya..^^ Good Luck in your final exam ^^

2011 Unimas R & D Expo

2011 Unimas R & D Expo in CAIS

(Vyonne [27], Me [28], Chai Yeen [29])

28/3/2011 (Monday) - 29/3/2011 (Tuesday) - First times, I join the 2011 Unimas R & D Expo. This times, I going to represent my friend to present a project and finally get Bronze. Finally, I got face to see my boss. But, I will more happy if that one is my project. During the presentation, I just keep shooting by 2 judge ( 1 from FK, 1 from FIT). In the same times, I keeping protect myself and trying to speak out. That times, I just try my best to perform without thinking anything prize. Although I keep shooting by the judge until half die, but I feel very happy, I learn a lot of new things during the R & D Expo [the ways you answer the question, the ways you think - preparing for my next presentation] ^^

FCSIT won 1 Gold, 4 Silvers & 6 Bronzes
Silver - Iban & Melanau Word Processing Tool - Spell Checker
Bronze - Automated Construction of WordNet for Indigenous Language
Bronze - Syllable based text to speech synthesizer for Bidayuh Bau
Bronze - Investigation In the Development And Use Of An Interlingual Communication System

RTM Interview SaLT
31-3-2001 (Thursday) - This is the first times. RTM interview SaLT in SaLT lab. Since we present our project in Sarawak Development Institute, many people start interest about SaLT (Sarawak Language Technology).

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